Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Pepsi Next Dancing Baby Essay Example for Free

Pepsi Next Dancing Baby Essay There are several different types of advertising in the world today, like newspaper ads and magazine ads. Then there are commercials, they can be very manipulative in persuading specific audiences to buy their products. In the Pepsi Next â€Å"Dancing Baby† commercial, they use what is called a trick image. It is the funniest part of the commercial and is what makes it so appealing. This trick image is the baby in the back ground dancing and doing tricks; it is very eye catching and hilarious in my opinion. This commercial uses different types of appeals to make it more interesting. The husband and wife mention some of the statistics about the product to help enhance Pepsi Next. The target audience is parents of children six months to one year of age and new mothers trying to lose weight. This commercial affects me positively because it is funny and the statistics are true. In the Pepsi Next â€Å"Dancing Baby† commercial, the scene is set in what looks to be a small apartment. The apartment has an open floor plan, and the commercial is set mainly in the living room and kitchen area. The first shot is in the living room area of the mother and her young child, about six months to one year old. The mother is talking to the baby and taking pictures of him. Then the father enters the apartment with three twelve packs of Pepsi Next and one can tucked under his chin as he walks to the counter to set them down. The man seems very enthusiastic about the product as he tells his wife that he bought Pepsi Next. He proceeds to tell her that it has sixty percent less sugar and that it taste like real cola. She does not believe that it taste like real cola if it has sixty percent less sugar. So she tries the Pepsi Next and is so mesmerized by it taste of real cola that neither her nor the father of the baby realize that the baby is dancing and doing the worm in the background. This is a trick image in the commercial because everyone knows that a baby is not capable of doing all these things. This trick image is what makes this advertisement so interesting and humorous to most people. There are a number of things that contribute to making Pepsi Next appealing in the commercial. There are the predominant colors in the room, which are orange, blue, and red. Other than the colors and the dancing baby, there are also the facts that are mentioned in the commercial by the mother and father. They tell us that the new Pepsi Next has sixty percent less sugar and that is still has that real cola taste. Toward the end of the commercial these words are also shown for us to read. The phrase â€Å"Drink it to believe it†, this infers that the viewer must try the product to believe that it does taste like real cola even though it has sixty percent less sugar. In this commercial they use different types of appeals. One of the appeals used is humor. In the commercial this appeal is the dancing baby in the back ground it catches the viewer’s attention. The second appeal used is exaggeration, which is the baby unrealistically dancing in the back ground in the advertisement. Third is brand appeal; n this commercial they use the Pepsi Next colors as predominant colors and close ups on the twelve packs of Pepsi Next to make a brand statement. The fourth one is the play on words/words appeal, they use a catchy phrase to convey a message like in this commercial â€Å"Drink it to believe it†. Last but not least is statistics, in this advertisement they use statistics, like sixty percent less sugar, to show the aspects of the product. These appeals all help to enhance the product being sold, because the viewer’s learn the facts about Pepsi Next and enjoy a good laugh. This commercial is targeted toward two audiences. One is parents of children six months of age to one year old. I believe this audience is targeted because of the fact that the commercial revolves around the baby and the Pepsi Next. I think that parents of young children would be more inclined to buy this product because of the dancing baby. The second is new mothers trying to lose weight. This is because of the facts that are mentioned in the commercial. It mentions numerous times that it has sixty percent less sugar and that it taste like real cola. New mothers trying to lose weight would be interested in this product because they can still have that great taste but with less sugar, and that will help them to lose weight. This advertisement affects me positively because I am one of the targeted audiences. I say this because I am a mother of young children and I will soon be a new mother again and will be trying to lose weight after she arrives. There are many different types of advertisements in the world today. Commercials are one of the most manipulative ways to advertise because commercials appeal to the viewers in a totally different way, other than just reading or looking at a picture. In the Pepsi Next commercial â€Å"Dancing Baby† they use a trick image. This trick image is what makes the commercial so appealing to its specific audience. The trick image is the baby in the back ground dancing around, it is very eye catching and hilarious. They mention some of the statistics about the product and use many different appeals to help enhance their product, Pepsi Next. The target audience is parents of children six months to one year of age and new mothers trying to lose weight. This commercial affects me positively because it is funny and the statistics are true.

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